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Bambi Watanabe, the first Japanese cover girl for "PLAYBOY," holds art exhibition "SCRATCH GIRLS"

SCRATCH GIRLS vol.1 "BAMBI WATANABE” Date : 17, June - 25 June 2023

Time : 10:00-19:00

Venue : DRELLA Art Gallery

Address : Grove Daikanyama 1F, 15-10 Daikanyama-cho, Shibuya, Tokyo Instagram : URL :


Bambi Watanabe, who has always taken on challenges ahead of her time beyond the boundaries of gravure idols, such as being the first Japanese to appear on the cover of the foreign magazine "PLAYBOY" and founding the gender-free brand "Bushy PARK," will hold her first art exhibition "SCRATCH GIRLS" at the contemporary art gallery "DRELLA" in Daikanyama, Tokyo.

Scratch Girls is a new project launched by Bambi Watanabe, who has been working as a gravure idol, a culture that originated in Japan, together with "DRELLA," an art production company, with the aim of promoting Japanese gravure as art both in Japan and abroad.

The gravures are printed with art expressions and special prints that reflect Japanese pop culture (anime, manga, games, etc.), and visitors can enjoy the changes in the works as co-creators through the act of scratching them.

Bambi Watanabe, who will appear as a model herself in this exhibition and present her work in collaboration with the artist and graphic designer "Miseinen," also intends to work as a producer to propose new ways of interpreting and expressing gravure, with a view to using various models and artists, as well as to turning this series into a book and NFT in the future.

Bambi Watanabe Profile

Gravure idol, Founder of gender-free brand "Bushy Park", Designer of Lab-Grown Diamonds Jewelry brand "Muff". Appointed as a playmate for US magazine "PLAYBOY" from 2019. Selected as a model for "Orizuru", Daido Moriyama's first photo book featuring nudity.

Miseinen Profile

Artist, Graphic Designer. She defines her own style as "JUNKFOOD POP" influenced by anime and manga culture, and creates works using unique effects and special printing.

Planning and Management : DRELLA

An art business company of the Cool Japan TV group that operates art galleries, plans art events, and manages artists in Japan and abroad.


日本人として初めて海外雑誌「PLAYBOY」の表紙を飾り、ジェンダーフリーブランド「Bushy PARK」を創業するなど、グラビアアイドルの枠を超えて、常に時代に先駆けたチャレンジを続けてきた渡辺万美が、渋谷区代官山町の現代アートギャラリー「DRELLA」で初のアート展「SCRATCH GIRLS(スクラッチガールズ)」を開催。



渡辺万美 プロフィール

グラビアアイドル ジェンダーフリーブランド ”Bushy Park” 創業者。Lab-Grown Diamonds Jewelryブランド「Muff」デザイナー。2019年より米雑誌「PLAYBOY」のプレイメイトに就任。森山大道初のヌードをモチーフとした写真集『Orizuru』のモデルに抜擢。

未成年 プロフィール

アーティスト、グラフィックデザイナー。アニメやマンガのカルチャーに影響を受けた自身のスタイルを“JUNKFOOD POP”と定義し、独特なエフェクトや特殊印刷などを駆使した作品制作を行う。


総合企画プロデュース事業、グローバルマーケティング事業を展開する、Cool Japan TVグループのアート事業会社。国内外でアートギャラリー運営、アートイベント企画、アーティストマネジメントなどを行う。


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